Wednesday, May 1, 2013

10 Days Left

That's all.....10 days left to Leadercast.

What do you do when you are in a countdown to a deadline?
So far, we have been prepping and planning, looking forward to implementation ....and it is almost here.

Some things to think about as you reach your next deadline:

  1. are all stakeholders in the loop?  have you considered their perspective?
  2. do you have everyone in a specific role clear on their expectations?
  3. have you done a final double/triple/quadruple check with all partners involved to ensure no hiccups?
  4. do you have a script for the day ready to role and keep you on track?
  5. are you looking forward to it?  if not, why not? and go resolve that if you can.

Even simple things like planning what you will wear and bring with you is important to plan ahead and not leave to the last minute - this will give you less chance for stressing yourself out.

And don't forget to plan a way to celebrate after it's over - always giving you something to look forward to along the way!

Have fun - it is so important to enjoy the moments....then later, upon reflection, you can note the lessons you learned along the way.

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