Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is Your Intention?

Leadership is interpreted by followers through action, words, body language as well as what is not said, not done, and not completed.

When you think about your action and words as a leader - what is your intention?
Many people do not see what your intention is because it is inside of you - it comes from the heart.
Helping others understand your intention will help you to continue to empower and foster their leadership development.

Don't lose sight of your intention.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grow Your Team

It's coming.  The end of 2012....and the start of 2013.
What have you planned in order to grow yourself and your team?
Learning days are sometimes difficult to implement - you don't have the time or resources to put together an impactful day.  Why not check out Windsor Essex Leadercast?

For the same cost as a round of golf for your team, you can have a great day working with all of them, learning about leadership and planning steps to move your organization forward.

Ticket will go on sale in the New Year.  Start thinking about May 10, 2013 today so that you can take advantage of Early Bird pricing on tickets.  Lunch, workbooks, networking all included!

New Speakers announced each week!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Habits Have Power

If you attended Leadercast in the past, you know there are always many amazing speakers that can change the way you look at your business, your company, your life and your leadership.

Also Charles Duhigg is not a confirmed speaker for 2013, his book The Power of Habit it truly life-changing.
Take time to read this book and see what makes your brain work - how we respond to habits-  in our lives, our communities and in our organizations.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Looking for Local Leaders

Every year Windsor Essex Leadercast hosts local leaders to tell their story.
Please let us know if you know of a local leader that may be willing to participate.

Past Local Leaders include:

  • Noah Tepperman
  • David Musyj
  • Michael Duben
  • Chantal Vallee
  • Karen Behune-Plunkett
  • Ron Gaudet
Save Friday May 10, 2013 for a super day of learning and community.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Calling All Sponsors

It's that time of year again - Windsor Essex Leadercast is looking for sponsors to enable us to present an awesome full day of leadership development, self-discovery and networking.

The theme of Leadercast 2013 is Simply Lead - strengthening our leadership by simplifying our lives.
There are so many ways to see this in action - joining me as a co-host or sponsor is one way to put you and your company front and centre of leading our community forward.

Please visit our local Leadercast website - for all the details on co-hosting or sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsorship deadline:  December 31, 2012

Please contact me directly for any questions: or 519-735-6820

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Best Laid Plans

I just love this image.  It is so true.
One thing that Leadercast 2013 will focus on is simplicity - what is it that makes your leadership work.

One of those things, I am sure, is to that leaders move from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C and even beyond because they are constantly connecting things together and pulling them apart and then putting them back together to make the better, simpler, smarter and more.

When you build a plan, you most likely have a back-up because you have been thorough and thought through obstacles or risks, people factors and much stay cool - even with what you have already invested, the next step will be great.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In his book Stand Out, Marcus Buckingham talks about your Genius - the inherent part of you that makes you who you are - unique, different and totally cool.

You have to know that your genius is really who you are.  It is also important to understand that your genius when connected to that of others certainly can make your team, your results and your continued growth explode on a trajectory you never before could have imagined.

Take time to assess, over the next few days, what you do that is different or special or unique that really makes you Stand Out.  Your genius is the way you reach conclusions, solve problems, take things in and give them back in new ways.  Honour this for the week.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Global Green Room Last Part

Roland Fryer
1.    What are you excited about, committed to and passionate about enough to go deep on in terms of your expertise?  To truly study and understand so that you can eliminate any intellectual laziness in your leadership.
2.    Who and what is better because of you and your organization?  Is it enough to simply have the best profits and market share?  You can combine success and significance.
3.    How do we ratchet up our success so that we can be more significant in the leadership we provide?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Global Green Room Part 7

Soledad O’Brien
1.       Re-look at the overlooked people on your team, especially those who you believe will never be a leader (you’ve given up on them), you’ve stopped encouraging them or coaching and counselling them,  look for those ‘diamonds in the rough’ that have potential but may not have been encouraged to share it.

Sheena Iyengar
Noted Psychologist
Author:  The Art of Choosing

Action:  Do  'A Choosing Exercise that will Change Your Life' from her website 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Global Green Room Part 6

John Maxwell
It’s not enough to know yourself, you have to grow yourself.
1.       Do you have a written plan for your personal growth?
2.       In the next few days, sit down and identify what book am I going to read, what competency do I need to develop, what do I most need to learn?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Global Green Room Part 5

Marcus Buckingham
Competencies are the things you do, being competent is about the results  you create.
Focus on your strengths and understand what you bring to the organization.  Then reverse engineer and realize what strengths you need to surround yourself with to complete the picture.
1.       When do you feel most alive and with whom do you feel most alive?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Global Green Room Part 4

Angela Ahrendts
How do you build trust?  Be trustworthy.
1.       Ask yourself “where do I have a hard time telling the truth?” –meaning where do you pull punch because you are not confident people will accept what you say or that you will be able to take the heat for what you believe?
There is a difference between being honest and being brutally frank.  When you are honest, it is in the best interest of both parties.  When you are frank, you are venting – getting your needs met by telling people what you want to tell them, not what they need to hear.
2.       Do you have a reverse mentorship relationships in the mentoring programs in your organization?  If not, can you reach out and find one? This will help the generations understand each other.
3.       Tradition should be a foundation not an anchor.  What is it about our brand that is traditional, that serves us, that connects with our consumers, that connects with our employees,  that defines who we are, then learn how to apply those values that we as leaders can use to build on those traditions?
4.       Open a Twitter or Facebook (LinkedIn, blog etc) account if you do not have one. Do all of it yourself and learn how the platform works.  Engage the technology at a hands-onb level, not because you couldn’t hire someone to do it, because it gives you an entirely different perspective when you understand the medium and how to engage and communicate.  This will help foster better understanding and relations with the various generations in the workforce.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Global Green Room Part 3

Tim Tebow
Passionate about leading
1.       If you are passionate about leadership, how do your people know?
2.       What evidence of your passion for leadership and your people and results, do you give on a daily basis?  How do people know what’s important to you?
3.       Four sources of leadership passion:
a.       What we do
b.      Why we do what we do (purpose)
c.       What are you doing it for (challenge)
d.      Who are the important people who bring passion to your life

Monday, June 25, 2012

Global Green Room Part 2

Urban Meyer
Work-Life Balance – action focused
1.       Create 2 columns on your page.  One labelled Beliefs and the other labelled Convictions.  Beliefs are things we hold.  Convictions are things that hold us.   See if there is a difference between what we say and what we do.  Is there a match between the time and money we spend (our convictions) and our beliefs?
2.       The best you can do is the best you can do. As long as you are doing the best that you can, you don’t need the additional stress of doing more than that to take away from the energy and passion that you have for your work.  Your set of priorities cannot be too long.  Too many priorities is as bad as no priorities.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Global Green Room Part 1

At each Leadercast break on May 4th, Mark Sanborn was interviewed by Laura Lang with the intention of summarizing the topics and notes of each speaker and providing actionable points to go do right NOW.

Notes from the interviews will take up the next few blog posts.  Stay tuned and please provide your feedback about how you are implementing what you heard.

Learning is what happens when you apply what you just heard.

Andy Stanley
Moving from telling and commanding to asking and listening
1.       The next time you get an important announcement or decision will you be able to frame it in such a way so that you can say ‘this is what I believe and think, tell me if I am right, tell me how I might be wrong and tell me what I am missing.’ Because if you ask those questions and you are sincerely looking for an answer, not just going through the motions, you will get some additional information that will be powerful.
2.       What are you here for (as a leader)?  What are you trying to accomplish in your role as a leader today?

Let us know how your choices are making an impact! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thank You!

The team from Solution Linx Online Coaching would like to thank all the attendees, sponsors, volunteers and advisors that helped make the Leadercast 2012 Windsor Essex a huge success.

Your hearts and minds were focused on finding new ways to develop your leadership potential.  We appreciate your time, your engagement and especially your enthusiasm.  We look forward to another successful Leadercast in 2013.

Save the date:  Friday May 10, 2013
Theme:  LeaderMATH - the equations that create leadership

Looking forward to seeing you there!

to learn more about leadership development visit 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Leadercast is Tomorrow

Did you make the choice to make an impact?
Did you make the choice to invest in your own development?

Hopefully you did and we will see you tomorrow.

If not, there will be an opportunity to share in Leadercast in a by-speaker basis with
P3....passion, purpose, potential.

Solstice Group will provide you an opportunity to select speakers so that you can co-host a lunch & learn day in your business.

Stay tuned for more information.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


There are many ways to say this it present or present?  Like  - present a gift.  Or being present, like being there and focused, full-on attention?

Here is what Leadercast is truly a present - a gift of learning about leadership and community. And at the same time it is an opportunity to turn off your phone, not look at email and be present in a day that is focused on you.  A present of being present to yourself.

Leadercast is only 2 days need to give yourself that gift.  You deserve it. 

Make a choice.  Make an impact.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Leadercast is on Friday

 Leadercast Week is Here!
We have worked hard with our sponsors to deliver an awesome event and it is just around the corner.

 So many wonderful organizations have made the choice to come together, step up and lead others to Leadercast.

Join the 2012 Class of Leadership Windsor Essex.  Leadercast is now part of the curriculum.
Leaders need an opportunity to collaborate - join WEEDC in this too!

Great support and marketing ideas from our friends at Wheeler's Printing & Copying Ltd.

New friends from a leader in service.

Good food & service....every time!

Leadercast Partner - for 3 years ..... ongoing support to help spread the message and develop leaders in our community.

Your Leadercast Presenter - putting leadership first in personal growth, professional success and wellness.

Our charity for 2012....feeding the community.

Have You Made the Right Choice?

There are only a few days left to get your tickets for Leadercast.  Friday May 4th will be a day that will change your life.  You will step into the leadership that you deserve to share with others, simply by attending a single learning day.

The investment you make in yourself is clearly a choice.  The investment you make in others will come back to you ten-fold.  Think about the engagement you can create on your team, in your organization, and with your vendor/supplier community if you take a moment to reward them with an invitation to attend Leadercast with you.  This one day out together can change the whole future of your organization. It can change the whole outlook of one particular person....imagine all that from 1 single choice.

Join us at Leadercast Windsor Essex and at the Linger Longer, to meet the all the attendees and share your learning from the day.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Success is an Option

We get a lot of options in life.  You can call the choices or decisions.  However you choose to frame them....they are all up to us.  Each of us, individually.

Even when we make a decision as a team, we take time to evaluate each individual choice or idea through the process.  As a member of a team, we offer our solution, idea or choice in the vote from an individual perspective and then the results are developed from there.

Think about the choices you make each day.  Do you decide to have a good day or a bad day?  Do you decide to take care of business or to not take care of business?  Do you decide to stick to your gym routine or sabotage yourself (sorry, that's a tough one....sabotage can be as easy as sleeping in or eating that bag of Doritos!) 

What I am trying to get at is that no matter what we take on, we usually want to be successful at it.  But success, on it's own, is an option or a choice or a decision.

We can choose to skip the Doritos and go to the gym, making our fitness plan a success.  We can choose to have a good day or a bad day.  We can the option to work on our business or not.  Fact is, it is completely up to us.  Whether it's attitude or action - no one can really make us be successful, it is the option that we need to choose for ourselves.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Return on Investment

Time is an investment and so is money.  What if you could get a 10 X return on your investment?  How about more?
Fast Company Magazine says that any $1 investment in coaching gets businesses $11 back.  Would you like that?
It is as simple as attending Leadercast and sharing your knowledge and learning.  This is the perfect opportunity to meet new people, learn about yourself as a leader, make plans to develop your organization...all in one day...all in one spot.

Grow your investment in yourself.  Develop your investment in others.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

CHRP Continuing Education Credit Announcement

If you are an HP Professional, you will receive 5.5 hours of continuing education credits by attending Leadercast.  Certificates of participation will be provided at the event on May 4, 2012.

Please visit for more information or call Lora Crestan at 519-735-6820.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Local Speakers at Leadercast

See local leaders - Karen Behune Plunkett & Ron Gaudet at Leadercast Windsor Essex.

Listen to their story of choice and their lives, their work and our community.

Don't forget to stay after and share in the Linger Longer - a networking event with proceeds donated to the Windsor Essex Community Garden Collective.  Refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Define Your Leadership

Each day we make a choice to change the culture of organizations
and families.

To influence others by meeting the everyday needs
of the community.

Is it possible to make choices that will impact
ourselves, our teams, and even our cities for the better?

It is.....and your first choice is attending Leadercast on May 4, 2012.
Seats selling out - do not miss yours today!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leadership Takes Time

Our world needs everyday leaders who are willing to make the bold choices.
To take a stand.
To reach out.
To do things that make this world a better place.

Leadership takes time.
How do you take time out to make yourself the leader that is willing to make the bold choices?
How do you take time to reach out and develop leaders around you?
How do you take time to make this world a better place?

Let's share ideas here and at Leadercast in Windsor Essex - visit for more information.

Don't forget to buy your tickets for the Linger Longer networking event after Leadercast.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recognizing Leadership

What do you do in your organization to recognize your team?
Monetary recognition is only one way to let people know they are doing well or going above and beyond.  Here are a few other ways:
....there are at least a thousand more ways because what you will find is that recognition can be as unique as what drives each unique individual you work with each day. 

Take a moment and share some ways you recognize developing leaders in your organization.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Math of Leadership and Choices

Did you know that there are 86,400 seconds in a day?
Did you know that you make 8,746 choices in an average day?

Do the math.

That is a choice every 9.8 seconds....does that number make you think?

Think about how effective each choice is....what is the impact of that choice?

Learn more at Leadercast 2012.  Visit for more information.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ron Gaudet to Speak at Leadercast Windsor Essex

Ron Gaudet, B.A., B.Ed., Ec.D (F)
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Ron Gaudet is one of Canada’s leading economic development executives with more than twenty years of proven leadership in community economic development.  During his career, Mr. Gaudet has successfully overseen the development and implementation of three community-based strategic plans, which have contributed to the creation of more than 16,000 jobs.

As past President and CEO of the Greater Moncton Economic Development Commission, Ron lead Moncton’s transformation from a community experience business closures and mounting unemployment, to one boasting the fastest growing economy and population in Eastern Canada. These successes have resulted in Mr. Gaudet being a recipient of various awards including:

  • “Canadian Economic Developer of the Year”
  • “Canada’s Top 40 under 40”
  • “Top 50 Atlantic Canadian CEO’s”

Mr. Gaudet assumed the position of Chief Executive Officer for the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation on February 1, 2010, and immediately initiated a series of consultations resulting in the roll out of his fourth-community based strategic plan on February 9, 2011.

Through public consultation and community partnerships, the Windsor-Essex Region is now focused on 9 sector groups and 10 regional objectives.  A region known for its manufacturing capabilities, particularly in the automotive sector, is now positioning itself as a global player in several other sectors.

Ron is an Executive Member of Southwest Economic Alliance (SWEA), and has consulted on several economic development initiatives throughout Canada and the U.S.  Ron holds a fellowship in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo and the Economic Developers Association of Canada.