Monday, July 30, 2012

Global Green Room Part 7

Soledad O’Brien
1.       Re-look at the overlooked people on your team, especially those who you believe will never be a leader (you’ve given up on them), you’ve stopped encouraging them or coaching and counselling them,  look for those ‘diamonds in the rough’ that have potential but may not have been encouraged to share it.

Sheena Iyengar
Noted Psychologist
Author:  The Art of Choosing

Action:  Do  'A Choosing Exercise that will Change Your Life' from her website 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Global Green Room Part 6

John Maxwell
It’s not enough to know yourself, you have to grow yourself.
1.       Do you have a written plan for your personal growth?
2.       In the next few days, sit down and identify what book am I going to read, what competency do I need to develop, what do I most need to learn?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Global Green Room Part 5

Marcus Buckingham
Competencies are the things you do, being competent is about the results  you create.
Focus on your strengths and understand what you bring to the organization.  Then reverse engineer and realize what strengths you need to surround yourself with to complete the picture.
1.       When do you feel most alive and with whom do you feel most alive?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Global Green Room Part 4

Angela Ahrendts
How do you build trust?  Be trustworthy.
1.       Ask yourself “where do I have a hard time telling the truth?” –meaning where do you pull punch because you are not confident people will accept what you say or that you will be able to take the heat for what you believe?
There is a difference between being honest and being brutally frank.  When you are honest, it is in the best interest of both parties.  When you are frank, you are venting – getting your needs met by telling people what you want to tell them, not what they need to hear.
2.       Do you have a reverse mentorship relationships in the mentoring programs in your organization?  If not, can you reach out and find one? This will help the generations understand each other.
3.       Tradition should be a foundation not an anchor.  What is it about our brand that is traditional, that serves us, that connects with our consumers, that connects with our employees,  that defines who we are, then learn how to apply those values that we as leaders can use to build on those traditions?
4.       Open a Twitter or Facebook (LinkedIn, blog etc) account if you do not have one. Do all of it yourself and learn how the platform works.  Engage the technology at a hands-onb level, not because you couldn’t hire someone to do it, because it gives you an entirely different perspective when you understand the medium and how to engage and communicate.  This will help foster better understanding and relations with the various generations in the workforce.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Global Green Room Part 3

Tim Tebow
Passionate about leading
1.       If you are passionate about leadership, how do your people know?
2.       What evidence of your passion for leadership and your people and results, do you give on a daily basis?  How do people know what’s important to you?
3.       Four sources of leadership passion:
a.       What we do
b.      Why we do what we do (purpose)
c.       What are you doing it for (challenge)
d.      Who are the important people who bring passion to your life