Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Setting Expectations

What You Can Expect from Leadercast
You can expect to be challenged. Inspired. Encouraged. You will learn how to improve your own leadership skills and also have the opportunity to network with other leaders in your area. 

You know how you feel when there is a buzz in a room - you can feel the energy bouncing off the walls? Well - this is it!  Energy, connection, contact and discussion.  All focused on one thing - improving individual leaders.

Planning is important - so let us help you understand the day:

8:00 am

  • doors open for registration
  • you will meet the volunteers and advisory team - leaders from our community
  • you will check in, get your name badge and be escorted to your table where a gift bag full of treats and agenda will be waiting for you!
  • coffee, tea, water & fresh fruit will be available
8:45 am - time to get organized and take everyone through the particulars for the day
9:00 am -First speaker starts and we are off to a super day
10:30 am -first break - we will speak with local leaders looking for their key take aways from the first session
11:00 am - back to speaker sessions
12:15 pm - Lunch - served in house
1:00 pm - update on Leadership Windsor Essex Initiatives & local leader panel Q & A
1:30 pm - afternoon speakers start
2:45 pm - break (special treats to be provided....surprise!)  
3:15 pm - final speakers for the day (don't forget to complete your event survey to be eligible to win a great prize!)
4:00 pm - Linger Longer hosted by Leadership Windsor Essex will begin - - a great opportunity to share a glass of wine, some appetizers and discuss what you learned and get to meet anyone you missed throughout the day

We are so looking forward to your attendance.
If you still need tickets visit or call 519-735-6820

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's Holding You Back?

So, you have yet to get your Leadercast ticket for Friday May 10th, 2013 at the Caboto Club.
Why is that?
What is holding you back?

  • are you having a hard time finding the time to fit this into your schedule?
    • well, think of it this way - when are you going to find to focus on your own development? If you don't do it, who will?  This is 1 day - and you will learn so much, feel so inspired, be motivated to move yourself forward in new ways.  How about going back to life on May 11th full of energy and ready share what you learned?  Great way to get through the rest of 2013!
  • are you wondering what you will learn?
    • you will learn about simply leading - what it takes to find the whitespace amidst all the clutter that our lives contain today from a variety of speakers from a variety of environments.
  • are you wondering who else will be there?
    • then visit the Leadercast Windsor Essex website and check out the Attendee page. We love to share who is attending and give them a plug for their initiative in developing themselves and their teams.
  • are you thinking of attending alone and this makes your uncomfortable?
    • you will be greeted by a great group of volunteers who will be happy to introduce you to other attendees and get you started.  Think of it this way - we are all working on the same thing - becoming better leaders - you already have a great deal in common with everyone in the room!
  • are you looking for continuing education credits?
    • for attending the day, every participant will receive a certificate outlining the curriculum of the day and the hours spent so that you can apply to your professional association for possible continuing education credits.  If you are a lawyer in role for more than 3 years, you can apply this day to Substantive Learning credits.
So tell us what is holding you back - we will be happy to help you work through it... you need to attend this day!

Buy tickets at or call Lora at 519-735-6820.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1 Month to the Big Day

The big day is just 1 month away.
Do you have your ticket yet?
Seats are limited so you should not wait any longer!!
The Advisory Team has been working hard to put together a great event around the simulcast speakers.  This year will feature:

  • Local Leader Question sessions
  • Simply Lead tips
  • Team Photo area
  • Sponsor trade show area
  • Indigo Books featuring books from our speakers
  • Linger Longer Networking Session (after event) hosted by Leadership Windsor Essex admission 
  • Participation Certificates that you can use to apply for continuing education credits with your professional association
      • and much more that we know you will love (we don't want to give away all the surprises!)
Buy tickets at or call Lora at 519-735-6820.

Special thanks to the Advisory Team 2013:
Frank & Carmela Abbruzzese
Nadia Shousher
Cary Wheeler
Lori Baldassi
Don Herman
Michael Miexner
Becky Parent