Thursday, April 14, 2011

Local Leaders Join Leadercast in Windsor on May 6th, 2011


May 6, 2011 is Leadercast Day.
The day....
To find your Leadership Voice.
To share your Leadership Voice.
To celebrate your Leadership Voice.

Purpose.  Service.  Hope.  Innovation.  Influence.

Local Leaders are joining Leadercast Windsor-Essex to share their Voices of Change.
Chantal Vallee:  University of Windsor Women's Basketball Coach
David Musyj:  President & CEO Windsor Regional Hospital
Noah Tepperman:  Principal, Tepperman's
Michael Duben:  District Governor-Elect International Rotary District 6400

Join Solution Linx Online Coaching and the St Clair College Alumni Association for this amazing day!

Ticket Options

Tickets include light Lunch and Continental Breakfast.

Added feature:  Join Coach Lora Crestan to learn how to take the messages of the day home at:
"Brainwaves:  Be the Voice of Change"

This 7 am - 8 am session will provide a hot breakfast, interactive discussion and leave you with a plan to get the most out of the day ahead and use the information to drive change in your organization, community or life.